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Welcome to our Gallery of Astrophotography

We use special telescopes and cameras to capture the cosmos from our backyard in Tucson Arizona.
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Rent or buy some gear and start your own journey
Our Imaging Timeline 2020 - Present (Most recent on top)
Programs: Programs
Imaging Equipment
Mounts: Ioptron CEM25, Celestron CGX, Skywatcher Star Adventurer mini
Main Cameras: ZWO ASI 2600MC-Pro, Canon T7i
Filters: Optolong L-Ultimate, Baader UV/IR
Guide System: Svbony 60mm Scope
William Optics Uniguide, ZWO ASI 385MC
Telescopes: William Optics Redcat-51, Sky-Watcher Esprit-80 Super APO, Celestron Edge HD-8in
Software - ASI Studio, Pixinsight, Topaz Labs suite, SharpCap-Pro, Deep Sky Stacker (DSS), PIPP, Star Trails
Solar Gear: Lunt LS50T-HA, Solar film (sunspots) cardboard Solar Projector
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